Email Us
Email: [email protected]
Phone Us
Voice:+64 (9) 281 4481
Fax: +64 (9) 281 4482
USA/CANADA toll free phone: 1877 282 2577
UK toll free phone: 0808-189-2382
Australia toll free phone: 1800-324-917
Singapore toll free phone: 800 321 1687
New Zealand toll free phone: 0800 347 785
If phoning using the voice or fax numbers above (not the toll free numbers) please use the following pre-fix depending on your country:
Australia: replace + with 0011
USA: replace + with 011
Postal Address
First Light Travel Limited
PO Box 48
Arrowtown 9351
Aotearoa New Zealand
Street Address

First Light Travel Auckland
The Beach, 85 Beach Road,
Auckland, (Aotearoa) New Zealand

First Light Travel Queenstown
175 Glenda Drive,
Queenstown, (Aotearoa) New Zealand