New Zealand Travel Blog

Downside Up New Zealand Blog

Welcome to our New Zealand Travel Blog DownsideUP

This blog is dedicated to inform and inspire you on all things to do with New Zealand..

Actually we write posts on anything that’s of interest in the South Pacific (our home) DownsideUP was started in 2008, to help people just like you, with planning the perfect NZ Self Driving experience.  

The Lord of the Rings
Elizabeth Marshall
Elizabeth Marshall
Middle-earth, home of Hobbits, Trolls, and Orcs, may have been the creation of JR Tolkien’s brilliant mind, but believe us when we tell you that the idyllic paradise, brought to life by director Sir Peter Jackson in both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies, really does exist in New Zealand - the perfect place for the ultimate lord of the rings New Zealand vacation.
Elizabeth Marshall
Elizabeth Marshall

New Zealand Great Walks – Choosing the right track for you
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

New Zealand's Great Walks – Choosing the Right Track for You

We all know one of the ultimate reasons to visit New Zealand is for the jaw-dropping scenery. Luckily for you, our Department of Conservation has designated nine New Zealand Great Walks spread throughout the country, each showcasing a different set of iconic New Zealand landscapes, flora, and fauna. These experiences are outlined below – take your pick, from vertigo-inducing alpine splendor to tranquil forests and glittering sandy shores. First, you’ll need to decide whether to freedom walk or take a guided tour.

Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

A Road with a View: Suggested routes for a self drive holiday in New Zealand
Alex Bayes
A self drive holiday in New Zealand is just as much about the journey as it is the destination, thanks largely to the sheer beauty of our scenic highways. It’s hard to beat the feeling of hitting the open road with a full tank of gas and a few days of leisure time up your sleeve. Kiwis love a good road trip, and it's easy to see why - across New Zealand, you'll find incredible routes on smooth highways that traverse grand and varied countryside.
Alex Bayes

Riding the Breeze in New Zealands top Sailing Destinations
Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor
There’s no better feeling than sailing on crystal-clear water, the wind in your hair and a backdrop of spectacular coastline unfolding before you. The sails are full, dolphins are surfing the bow wake, and rays of sunlight dance on an emerald-blue sea. After navigating the entrance to a crescent-shaped, white sand cove, you spend the afternoon dining on freshly caught fish and cooling off in the azure waters. This is what a sailing vacation in New Zealand is all about check out New Zealands top Sailing Destinations.  
Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor

A World of its Own - Great Barrier Island
Elizabeth Marshall
Elizabeth Marshall
Come and visit an island paradise where the crowds are no-where to be seen, beaches are glistening with pristine white sand and the sea, a constant sparkling blue surfer’s dream. Wander the tracks through regenerating native bush towards natural hot pools, soaking up the rugged surroundings before tackling a climb up to stay in an overnight hut with spectacular panoramic views.
Elizabeth Marshall
Elizabeth Marshall

New Zealand's Best Beaches in Northland
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey
With a sub-tropical climate, kilometres of white sandy beaches and crystal clear-waters at every turn, Northland, at the top of New Zealand’s North Island, is the proud home of some of New Zealand's best beaches.
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Dolphin and whale encounters in New Zealand
Anne Baumscheiper
Anne Baumscheiper
Cetaceans are the stuff of legends. Whether we’re talking about dolphins boosting alongside boats and backward-somersaulting in play, or whales majestically breaching the surface before plunging into the depths to feed, these sleek, intelligent creatures have mesmerized people throughout history.
Anne Baumscheiper
Anne Baumscheiper

An Introduction to New Zealand Animals (Part 2)
Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor
We are often asked what animals can be seen when visiting New Zealand? Well, as we learned in ‘Part 1’ of the series, New Zealand was almost exclusively populated by birds both before and after humans settled.
Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor

Dolphins, heritage and perfect coastline: Exploring New Zealand by Kayak
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey
Untouched waterways, pristine lakes and perfect coastline make up a fair bit of New Zealand’s environment. Many of these places are isolated and hard-to-reach, but those that seek to explore this kind of wilderness are rewarded with one-of-a-kind experiences that are well off the beaten track.
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

Rafting in New Zealand – the ultimate kiwi adventure!
Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

One of the best ways to truly explore New Zealand’s most isolated and beautiful environments is with a rafting adventure. Pristine waterways – often complete with high-energy rapids and canyons – wind through temperate rainforests, past sky scraping mountain peaks and alongside valleys dotted with wildflowers. At First Light Travel, we love down-to-earth adventures in the New Zealand wilderness, and rafting in New Zealand through isolated backcountry is about as good as it can get...  

Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey

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